- Holistic Healing Home, Aambag, Lane No 2, Rishikesh
- holistichealinghome01@gmail.com
About Us
To heal is to care. We welcome you to a place where we listen, understand and then provide remedy accordingly. Our effort will be to heal your body and mind in sync with the nature by working on your physical, mental, and emotional body.
We have a vision to bring you all under one shade. This world is one place. All are one and there is oneness in all. Let us make this world a better living place for us and our future generations.
Pranic Healing and Yoga is an ancient science. It is a spiritual medicine.
Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing. It is a no drug (medicine) therapy. It is healing by Prana. Prana keeps our body alive and healthy.
Akash Sharma, a corporate employee from Bengaluru, seeks relief from depression and other ailments by attending free pranic healing sessions at Sangam. These sessions, organized by the Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation Trust UP, involve holistic practices like super brain yoga and twin heart meditation, attracting 500 participants so far.